Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Quiche 2 Ways

Yesterday, I took a break from baking cakes and other sweets. I decided to bake 2 kinds of quiche:

'Bacon and Cheese Quiche', which is the easier one

'Spinach and Mushroom Quiche'

Quiche is one of my favorite snacks or meal (yes. it can be considered as meal). I order them from Delifrance (now called Cafe France.) This food was introduced to me by my friend when we were working together in Bulacan. I love the creamy texture and the soft crust. I really love the mushroom and spinach and also chicken curry flavor so I thought to myself why not try making them.

I Tried 2 recipes. I did the easy recipe first to see how it would turn out. It's really easy as 1-2-3 and the recipe had good reviews too. I copied ---- Ham and Cheese Quiche Recipe and just changed ham to bacon instead because it's what I had in the fridge. The difference is with bacon you have to cook it first while with ham you just have to toss it straight to the pan. For the Bacon and Cheese Recipe click HERE.

For Mushroom Spinach, what made doing this recipe difficult for me is the dough. The kneading and rolling of the dough take some muscles especially for an amateur like me and add to that the baking time. Click HERE for the recipe.

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