Sunday, March 3, 2013

Cupcakes: Gigi Coffee and Cupcakes

I'm in love with Gigi's cupcakes.

Top-Bottom (L-R): Red Velvet, Peppermint, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate, Buttercream, Sea Salt
As soon as I got a bite with one of these cupcakes I knew this is the one. Every bit of it is so heavenly. The red velvet is the best! The best among all the red velvets I've had so far. Umm.. No! Not just the red velvet actually, but all their cupcakes are the best cupcakes among all the cupcakes I've had so far.

With the buttercream, I never expected it could be this goooood.

Gigi Coffee and Cupcakes Box
So if you haven't tried Gigi Cupcakes you better visit them now at Eastwood City near Epixtar and visit their facebook page here as well.


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